
Do journalists matter

Media strategy: Do journalists matter?

Do journalists matter in this age of social media? President…
Don’t just answer the question

Media Training Basics: Don’t just answer the question

Imagine this ridiculous scene: You go to a doctor with some slightly…
Trump banned unfriendly news organisations

Trump Banned Unfriendly News Organisations: Why You Should Not

Trump banned unfriendly news organisations from a White House…
How to survive a TV debate, Michael Gove

Media training basics: don’t shoot the messenger

Media training basics include understanding that interviews with…
Key Messages are magic

Key Messages are magic: you almost certainly need some

Key messages are something that when I was a journalist I would…
Trade Association Business People

Trade Associations: Breaking Bland

Trade Associations have a structural problem when it comes to…
How to avoid unplanned headlines

How to avoid unplanned headlines

How to avoid unplanned headlines: do not criticise using a metaphor,…
Why do executives need media training? Kevin Roberts

Why do executives need media training?

Why do executives need media training? Because they need to be…
Andrea Leadsom you need media training

Andrea Leadsom: you need media training

Andrea Leadsom is a classic example of a smart, sensible, ambitious…
How to survive a TV debate, Michael Gove

How to survive a TV debate 2: Gove the fearless

Students of how to survive a TV debate would learn rather different…