Entries by Lindsay Williams

Why the Seven-Bin Policy Was Doomed From the Start

In my view, the seven-bin policy – which we should all theoretically support – was never going to hit the mainstream. [If you are not familiar with this news story, check out BBC coverage here.] And that is because of a simple but remarkably resilient rule: all lists should be three, at least in the […]

SEXI or Pyramid Communication?

I know which I prefer. SEXI is apparently a mnemonic device used by university debating societies. I only know this because someone pointed out to me that this had featured in a recent Guardian article by Simon Usborne entitled: Don’t steamroll, and go easy on the stats: how to win an argument – without making […]

A Half-Hearted Apology is a Kiss of Death

‘The Kiss’ has dominated news headlines around the world, sadly overshadowing the remarkable and laudable victory of the Spanish Women’s football team in the Women’s World Cup. As ever, we comment on the media lessons rather than the rights and wrongs of an argument. And the media lesson from this debacle is as old as […]

Have you Spotted the New Press Conference Playbook?

Playing with one of the generative AI apps last week I put in: how to run a good press conference. In a few seconds it generated a creditable if bland 500 words which basically covered be prepared, maintain your composure and be respectful to the journalists. Three protocols that were exactly the opposite of what […]

A Journalist, a CEO and the Urge to Gossip

The fallout from the mishandling of the closure of Nigel Farage’s Coutts bank account is multifaceted and likely to continue for months. But the media training lesson is as simple as it comes and is included in even the most basic of media training courses. Don’t gossip with journalists. Don’t assume comments are off the […]

A Moderate Voice on Northern Ireland

This weekend I greatly enjoyed listening to Jonathan Powell on this New Statesman Vodcast. It is easy to assume that measured, moderate voices are inevitably boring. And with our Media Coach lens we would particularly expect ‘boring’ in the use of language. Clients constantly reach for bland almost meaningless phrases because they want to avoid […]