
Political interviews feature

High Profile Political Interviews

High Profile Political Interviews are only Vaguely Relevant to…
Joseph Feature

Many Colours

What were the colours of Joseph’s Coat? Well, according to…
Moderate Voice

A Moderate Voice on Northern Ireland

This weekend I greatly enjoyed listening to Jonathan Powell on…
Ten Tips for Sounding more Authoritative when Speaking

Ten Tips for Sounding More Authoritative When Speaking

My views on how people should sound in a media interview or during…
Most Common Mistakes in Broadcast Interviews

Most Common Mistakes in Broadcast Interviews

There are quite a few things to get your head around if you want…
Isabel Oakeshott Feature

Isabel Oakeshott, a Divisive but Impressive Interviewee

The publication in The Telegraph last week, of a series of stories…
answer the question

Please Do Answer the Question in a Media Interview

We are all used to politicians refusing to answer questions but…
Voice Privilege feature

Is There Such a Thing as Voice Privilege?

I was rather taken aback to read an article in the FT this week…
Learn to be Quotable

Learn to be Quotable and You Will Control the Headlines

As a media trainer, I am constantly urging people to be a little…
How to tell a story feature

Robert Caro: 20th Century Journalism and How to Tell a Story

All my serious reading is organised by my son, who is way more…